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8 - ik-SPAH-zuh-tohr'ee, -tawr'-] * [ exquisite - exquisite - Psalm 37:11 (h6026) - ek-SKWIH-zuht, EK-skwi(')-] * [ exult; exultation] * [ (compare: exalt, exaltation) - exult, exultation - Isaiah 62:5 (h7797; h4885) - ig-ZUHLT; ek'suhl(')-TAY-shuhn, eg'zuhl(')-] * [ Ezekiel - Ezekiel (Bible book), it Eze'kiel - Ezekiel 1:3 (h3168) - ih-ZEE-kee-uhl, -kyuhl] * [ Ezion-geber - E'zion-ge'ber - 1 Kings 9:26 (h6100) - ee'zee-ahn-GEE-buhr, -uhn-, not -JEE-buhr] * [ Ezra - Ez'ra (Bible book) - Ezra 7:1 (h5830) - EZ-ruh] *. - fuhn'duh-MEN-tuhl-ist] *, Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce G words in the Bible:>, [ Gaash - Ga'ash - Joshua 24:30 (h1608) - GAY-ash] * [ Gabbatha] * [ ("The Stone Pavement") - Gab'batha - John 19:13 (g1042) - GAB-uh-thuh, GAHB-uh-thuh] * [ Gabriel - Ga'briel - Daniel 8:16 (h1403); Luke 1:19 (g1043) - GAY-bree-uhl, not GAB-ree-el'] * [ Gadara - ("Gadarenes" in NW) - Matthew 8:28 CEV, TEV (g1086) - GAD-uh-ruh] * [ Gadarenes] * [ (Gadara, Gerasenes, Gerasens, Gergesenes in some Bibles) - Gadarenes' - Matthew 8:28 (g1086) - gad'uh-REENS in NW), also GAD-uh-reen'] * [ gainsay - ("dispute" in NW) - Luke 21:15 KJ (g471) - gayn'SAY] * [ Gaius - Ga'ius - Acts 19:29 (g1050) - GAY-uhs(') -yuhs] * [ Galatia - Gala'tia - Galatians 1:2 (g1053) - guh-LAY-shuh, guh-LAY-shee-uh] * [ Galatians - Gala'tians (Bible book) - Galatians 3:1 (g1052) - guh-LAY-shuhnz] * [ galbanum - galbanum, it gal'banum - Exodus 30:34 (h2464) - GAL-buh-nuhm] * [ Galeed - Gal'eed - Genesis 31:47 (h1567) - GAL-ee-ed] * [ Galilean - Galile'an - Matthew 26:69 (g1057) - gal'uh-LEE-uhn] * [ Galilee - Gal'ilee - Isaiah 9:1 (h1551) - GAL-uh-lee] * [ Gallio - Gal'lio - Acts 18:12 (g1058) - GAL-ee-oh] * [ Gallus*] * [ (Cestius) - - it "Israel (Israel After the Babylonian Exile)" - GAL-uhs] * [ Gamaliel - Gama'liel - Acts 5:34 (g1059) - guh-MAY-lee-uhl, not gam'uh-LI -uhl] * [ Gammad; Gammadim ("valorous men" in ASV, HNV, NW; "Pygmeans" in DRB) - ("valorous men" in NW) - Ezekiel 27:11 (various translations) (h1575) - GAM-uhd; GAM-uh-dim] * [ Ganymede* - - it "Art" - GAN-uh-meed'] * [ Gaugamela* - - it "Alexander" - gaw'guh-MEE-luh] * [ Gaul*] * [ (France) - - w90 7/15 22 - GAWL] * [ Gautama* - - sh 130 - GAW-tuh-muh, GOU-tuh-muh] * [ Gaza - Ga'za - Genesis 10:19 (h5804) - GAY-zuh in Bible, not GAZ-uh, not GAH-zuh] * [ Geba - Ge'ba - 2 Chronicles 16:6 (h1387) - GEE-buh, not JEE-] * [ Gebal] * [ (aka Byblos) - Ge'bal - Ezekiel 27:9 (h1380) - GEE-buhl, not JEE-] * [ Geber - Ge'ber - 1 Kings 4:13 (h1127) - GEE-buhr, not JEE-] * [ gecko] * [ (ferret, groaning lizard, shrew in some Bibles) - gecko - Leviticus 11:30 (h604) - GEK-oh] * [ Gedaliah - Gedali'ah - 2 Kings 25:22 (h1436) - ged'uh-LI -uh] * [ Gediz*] * [ (River, ancient Hermus) - - w03 5/15 15 - guh-DEEZ] * [ Gehazi - Geha'zi - 2 Kings 5:25 (h1522) - gih-HAY-zi , not guh-HAH-zee] * [ Gehenna - Gehen'na - Matthew 5:22 (g1067) - gih-HEN-uh] * [ Gehinnom] * [ (Gehenna, hell in most Bibles) - (Gehenna in NW) - Matthew 10:28 HNV (g1067) - gih-HIN-uhm] * [ Gemalli - Gemal'i - Numbers 13:12 (h1582) - gih-MAL-i, gih-MAHL-i] * [ Gemara* - - sh 221 - guh-MAH-ruh, -MAHR-uh, -MAWR-] * [ genealogical - genealogical - Ezra 8:1 (h3187) - jee'nee-a-LAH-jih-kuhl, -nee-uh-] * [ genealogy - genealogy - Ezra 2:62 (h3187) - jee'nee-AL-uh-jee, -OL-, jen'ee-] * [ Genesis - Genesis (Bible book) - Genesis 1:1 ftn. (CORRECTLY) Julien Miquel 687K subscribers Join Subscribe 4.7K views 2 years ago Hear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced: var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1); Sometimes the stress was in one part of the sentence ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8; That's one reason audio can help. Not only do the widows mourn Tabitha's loss; they have valid concerns for their own lives, now that their protector is dead. stelae) - - g90 5/8 15, 17 - STEE-luh; pl. 702. You are encouraged to turn on your audio, then read on and discover how you can help yourself pronounce many bible words. Its present population is said to be about 16,000. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce N words in the Bible: [ Naamah - Na'amah - Genesis 4:22 (h5279) - NAY-uh-muh, NAY-uh-mah] * [ Naaman - Na'aman - 2 Kings 5:1 (h5283) - NAY-uh-muhn, not NAY-muhn] * [ Naamathite - Na'amathite - Job 2:11 (h5284) - NAY-uh-muh-thit] * [ Nabal - Na'bal - 1 Samuel 25:3 (h5037) - NAY-buhl, NAY-bawl] * [ Nabataea* - - w62 11/1 661 - nab'uh-TEE-uh] * [ Nabatean* - - w62 9/15 575 - nab'uh-TEE-uhn] * [ Nablus* - - it "Shechem" - NAB-luhs] * [ Nabonidus* - ; it Naboni'dus - Daniel 5:1 ftn. Brit. Phonetic spelling of Joppa DZHAH-puh jop-uh jop-pa Jop-ah Add phonetic spelling Meanings for Joppa A surname of Hebrew origin. ma-NOH-uh] * [ mantra* - - g84 2/22 8 - MAN-truh, MUHN-, MAHN-] * [ Manu* - - sh 120 - MAN-oo(')] * [ manumission* - - Isiah 61:1 ftn. When you ask, "How do I pronounce", remember, the 'short' vowel sounds (short because that's what we call them, not because they necessarily have to be said quickly) are often the most useful sounds to work on for reading and spelling improvement. STE-li or STE-leez, STEELZ] * [ Stephanas - Steph'anas - 1 Corinthians 1:16 (g4734) - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephanus*] * [ (aka Estienne) - - w95 4/15 10 - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephen - Stephen, it Ste'phen - Acts 6:5 (g4736) - STE-vuhn] * [ Stoic - Sto'ic - Acts 17:18 (g4770) - STOH-ik] * [ Stoicism* - - w96 9/1 17 - STOH-ih-siz'uhm] * [ stomacher] * [ (beautiful robe, expensive clothes, rich robe, robe in some Bibles) - ("rich garment" in NW) - Jeremiah 3:23 KJ, Yg (h6614) - STUH-mih-kuhr, -chuhr] * [ storax - storax - Genesis 30:37 (h3839) - STOR-aks, STOHR-] * [ Strabo* - - it "Chronology" - STRAY-boh(')] * [ strophe* - - ip-1 134 - STROH-fee(')] * [ suborn] * [ (privately put forward, secretly bribed, secretly induced, secretly instigated in some Bibles) - ("secretly induced" in NW) - Acts 6:11 "suborned" in AS, Da, DRB (g5260) - suh-BORN] * [ subterfuge - subterfuge - Judges 9:31 (h8649) - SUHB-tuhr-fyooj'] * [ Succoth - Suc'coth - Genesis 33:17 (h5523) - SUK-oth, SUHK-uhth, SUHK-ahth'] * [ Sudan] * [ (Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Ezekiel 29:10 GW (h3568) - SOO-dan, soo-DAN, -DAHN] * [ Suetonius* - - g95 6/22 8 - swih-TOH-nee-uhs, swee-] * [ Sumer* - - it "Babylon" - SOO-muhr] * [ Sumeria* - - sh 207 - soo-MEER-ee-uh, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ Sumerian* - - it "Ur" - soo-MEER-ee-uhn, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ sumptuous] * [ (gaudy, goodly, splendid, splendor in some Bibles) - ("gorgeous" in NW) - Revelation 18:14 AS, HNV, WEB (g2986) - SUHM(P)(T)-shuh-wuhs, -shuhs] * [ superciliousness - superciliousness - Psalm 10:4 (h1363 + h639), ftn. Numerous temples were built in this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Y words in the Bible: [ Yah] * [ (compare Jah) - Yah - Exodus 15:2 NW (footnote for Jah), WEB (h3050) - YAH] * [ Yahveh*] * [ (compare Yahweh, Jahveh, Jahweh) - - w94 6/1 28 - YAH-veh, -vay (listen)] * [ Yahweh] * [ (compare Yahveh, Jahveh, Jahweh) - - Exodus 3:15 JB, WEB (h3068) - YAH-weh, -way (listen)] * [ Yahwist* - - it "Covenant" p. 520 - YAH-wist] * [ Yam Kinneret* - - it "Tiberias" - YAHM KIH-nuh-ret'] * [ Yam Suph* - Yam Suph - Deuteronomy 1:1 ftn. Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, )and of course audio). Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce E words in the Bible: [ Ea*] * [ (also Enki) - - dp 71 - AY-ah] * [ Ebal - E'bal - Deuteronomy 11:29 (h5858) - EE-buhl, EE-bal] * [ Ebed - E'bed - Judges 9:26 (h5651) - EE-bid, EE-behd] * [ Ebedmelech - E'bed-mel'ech - Jeremiah 38:7 (h5663) - EE-bid-MEL-ik, EE-behd-MEL-uhk not ee-BED-mee-lek'] * [ Ecbatana] * [ (modern Hamadan)] * [ (Achmetha in some Bibles) - Ecbat'ana - Ezra 6:2 (h307) - ek-BAT-uh-nuh] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (art representation) - - ip-2 207 - ECH-ay HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (Pilate's words) - - John 19:5 ftn. It's latinized as "Joppa", but the original pronunciation is, indeed, Yafo, with a stress on the second syllable. Caesarea definition, an ancient seaport in NW Israel: Roman capital of Palestine. All rights reserved. A Christian apostle who appears in the book Acts of the Apostles in the Bible. Biblical Pronunciation: LOOTH-tha Modern Pronunciation: LYOOTH-tha How to Use this Concordance Get the Real Meaning Behind Underlined Scripture Hover on the underlined Bible text in the verses on this page (as shown). For Id like an appointment with Dr. Brown have readers repeat: Learn how to pronounce Bible names quickly and easily. For more information about Lydda , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce R words in the Bible: [ Ra* - - it "Gods and Godesses" - RAH, RAY] * [ Raamah - Ra'amah - Ezekiel 27:22 (h7484) - RAY-uh-mah] * [ Raamses] * [ (compare Rameses, Ramses) - Raam'ses - Exodus 1:11 (h7486) - ray-AM-seez, rah-AM-seez] * [ Rabbah - Rab'bah - Amos 1:14 (h7237) - RAB-uh] * [ Rabbath - ("Rabbah" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 DRB, KJ, Yg (h7237) - RAB-uhth] * [ Rabbi] * [ (Teacher in some Bibles) - Rabbi - Matthew 23:7 (g4461) - RAB-i] * [ rabbinic* - - sh 215 - ruh-BIN-ik] * [ Rabboni - Rabbo'ni - John 20:16 (g4462) - ra-BOH-ni , ra-BOH-nee] * [ Rabmag - Rab'mag - Jeremiah 39:13 (h7248) - RAB-mag] * [ Rabsaris - Rab'saris - Jeremiah 39:3 (h7249) - RAB-suh-ris] * [ Rabshakeh - Rab'shakeh - 2 Kings 18:17 (h7262) - RAB-shuh-kuh] * [ Rachel - Rachel, it Ra'chel - Genesis 29:6 (h7354) - RAY-chuhl] * [ Ragau - ("Reu" in NW) - Luke 3:35 Da, DRB (g4466) - RAY-gaw] * [ Rahab - Ra'hab - Joshua 2:1 (h7343) - RAY-hab] * [ raiment] * [ (apparel, clothes, clothing in some Bibles) - raiment - Isaiah 59:17 (h8516); Acts 10:30 (g2066) - RAY-muhnt] * [ Ramah - Ra'mah - Judges 4:5 (h7414) - RAY-muh, RAY-mah, not RAH-muh] * [ Ramathaim-zophim - Ramatha'im-zo'phim - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h7436) - ray'muhth-ay'im-ZOH-fim] * [ Rameses] * [ (compare Raamses, Ramses) - Ram'eses - Genesis 47:11 (h7486) - RAM-uh-seez] * [ Ramses*] * [ (compare Raamses, Rameses) - - it "Raamses" - RAM-seez] * [ rapacious] * [ (cruel, evil, fierce, mischievous, ravenous, violent in some Bibles) - rapacious - Isaiah 35:9 (h6530) - ruh-PAY-shuhs] * [ rapacity] * [ (destruction, ravaging, ruin, spoil in some Bibles) - rapacity - Habakkuk 2:17 (h7701) - ruh-PAS-uh-tee, -ih-tee] * [ Ras Shamra*] * [ (Ugarit) - - it "Archaeology" - rahs SHAHM-ruh] * [ Rastafarian*, Rastafarianism* - - g85 2/22 14 - ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uhn, rahs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uhn; ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ruhs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm] * [ ravenous] * [ (cruel, ravening, savage, vicious in some Bibles) - ravenous - Matthew 7:15 (g727) - RAV-uh-nuhs, RAV-nuhs] * [ Rebekah - Rebek'ah - Genesis 22:23 (h7259) - rih-BEK-uh] * [ Rechab; Rechabite - Re'chab; Re'chabites - Jeremiah 35:2, 6 (h7394; h7397) - REE-kab; REE-kuh-bi t(s)] * [ recension* - - w69 11/15 691 - rih-SEN-shuhn] * [ reconcile - reconcile - Ephesians 2:16 (g604) - REK-uhn-si l'] * [ reconciliation - reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18 (g2643) - rek'uhn-sil'ee-AY-shuhn] * [ Regem-melech - Re'gem-mel'ech - Zechariah 7:2 (h7278) - ree'guhm-MEL-ik, ree'gehm-MEL-ik] * [ Rehoboam - Rehobo'am - 1 Kings 11:43 (h7346) - ree'huh-BOH-uhm, reh'huh-BOH-uhm] * [ Rehoboth - Reho'both - Genesis 26:22 (h7344) - rih-HOH-both, reh-HOH-bahth] * [ Rehoboth-Ir - Reho'both-Ir - Genesis 10:11 (h7344 + h5892) - rih-HOH-buth-ir, -both-, reh-HOH-bahth-ihr, ray-HOH-bahth-ihr'] * [ rehsh, also resh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Rehsh - Psalm 119:153 (verse heading) - RAYSH] * [ Remaliah - Remali'ah - Isaiah 7:1 (h7425) - rem'uh-LI -uh] * [ remembrancer] * [ (memorial, reminder in some Bibles) - remembrancer - Leviticus 24:7 (h234) - rih-MEM-bruhn(t)-suhr] * [ remnant - - Isaiah 10:21 (h7605); Romans 9:27 (g2640); Revelation 12:17 Da, KJ (g3062) - REM-nuhnt, not REM-uh-nuh(n)t] * [ Renaissance*; renaissance* - - w95 3/1 23; ip-1 187 - ren'uh-SAHN(T)S, -ZAHN(T)S (also several other variations)] * [ Rephaim - Reph'aim - Isaiah 17:5 (h7497) - REF-ay-im] * [ Rephidim - Reph'idim - Exodus 17:1 (h7508) - REF-ih-dim] * [ reprobate - ("anyone contemptible" and "disapproved" in NW) - Psalm 15:4 AS (h3988); 1 Timothy 3:8 AS, KJ (g96) - REP-ruh-bayt'] * [ repudiate - repudiate - Titus 2:12 (g720) - rih-PYOO-dee-ayt'] * [ Reu] * [ (Ragau in some Bibles) - Re'u - Genesis 11:18 (h7466) - REE-yoo, REE-oo] * [ Reuben; Reubenite - Reu'ben; Reu'benites - Numbers 26:5, 7 (h7205; h7206) - ROO-bin; ROO-bin-i t(s)(')] * [ Reuel - Reu'el - Exodus 2:18 (h7467) - ROO-uhl, ROO-el] * [ Reumah - Reu'mah - Genesis 22:24 (h7208) - ROO-muh, ROO-mah] * [ Revelation - Revelation (Bible book) - Revelation 1:1 (g602) - rev'uh-LAY-shuhn, not pl.] Consonant --All the letter of the alphabet, except a, e, I, o, u. 37 In those days she became sick and died. NW; Judges 20:16 MSG (h334 + h3027 + h3225) - am'bih-DEK-struhs] * [ ambiguous - ambiguous - Daniel 8:23 (h2420) - am-BIG-yoo-uhs, am-BIH-gyuh-wuhs] * [ Amen - Amen - Psalm 41:13 (h543); Revelation 3:14 (g281) - AY-men', ah-MEN] * [ amerce] * [ (condemn, fine in some Bibles) - ("fine" in NW) - Deuteronomy 22:19 KJ (h6848) - uh-MUHRS] * [ amethyst - amethyst - Revelation 21:20 (g271) - AM-uh-thist('), -thuhst] * [ Am Haarets*] * [ am haaretz ("people of the land") - (am haarets) - Jeremiah 1:18 ftn. anthitheses) - - it "Evil" - an-TIH-thuh-suhs (plural an-TIH-thuh-seez')] * [ Antonia* - - it "Antonia, Tower of" - an-TOH-nee-uh, -TON-yuh] * [ Anu* - - Isaiah 35:4 (h4116); dp 71; it "Gods and Goddesses" - AY-noo, ah-NOO, UH-NOO] * [ Anubis* - - sh 50 (illustration), 53 - uh-NOO-buhs, -NYOO-] * [ anxious - anxious - Matthew 6:25 (g3308) - ANG(K)-shuhs] * [ aorist* - - it "Greek" - AY-uh-ruhst, EH-uh-] * [ aoristic* - - w57 2/15 127 - ay'uh-RIS-tik, eh'uh-] * [ Aphrah] * [ (Beth-le-aphrah, Beth Leaphrah, house of Dust in some Bibles) - Aph'rah - Micah 1:10 (h1036) - AF-ruh, AF-rah] * [ Aphrodite* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - af'ruh-DI -tee] * [ Apis* - - it "Bull"; dp 158 - AY-pis] * [ Apocalypse* - - it "Revelation to John" - uh-POK-uh-lips'] * [ Apocrypha* - - it "Apocrypha" - uh-POK-ruh-fuh] * [ apocryphal* - - dp 24 - uh-POK-ruh-fuhl] * [ Apollo - ("Apollos" in NW) - Acts 18:24 DRB (h8625) - uh-POL-oh, -PAH-loh(')] * [ Apollos - Apol'los - Acts 18:24 (g625) - uh-POL-uhs] * [ Apollonia - Apollo'nia - Acts 17:1 (g624) - ap'uh-LOH-nee-uh] * [ Apollyon - Apol'lyon - Revelation 9:11 (g623) - uh-POL-yuhn, uh-POL-ee-uhn] * [ apologetics* - - g82 7/8 22 - uh-pah'luh-JEH-tiks, uh-pol'uh-JET-iks] * [ apologia* - - - ap'uh-LOH-j(ee-)uh] * [ aposiopesis* - - 2 Samuel 23:17 ftn. I know this to be true personally, and the research strongly shows that growing believers continually encounter the grace of God through His Word. Along with our online pronunciation guide, The Bible Workshop also provides links to some of the best resources for Bible study available today. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Joppa . The Church of St. Peter marks the traditional . fix microsoft teams not displaying images and gifs. Pronunciation of dorcas with 4 audio pronunciations, 1 synonym, 2 meanings, 1 translation, 2 sentences and more for dorcas. AHS-truh-kuh] * [ ostrich] * [ (owl[s] in some Bibles) - ostrich - Job 30:29 (h3284) - AHS-trich, AWS-, also -trij] * [ Othniel - Oth'niel - Judges 3:9 (h6274) - OTH-nee-uhl, OTH-nee-el] * [ Oxyrhynchus* - - w92 2/15 26-28 - ok'sih-RING-kuhs, ahk'-] * [ Ozem - O'zem - 1 Chronicles 2:15 (h684) - OH-zuhm, OH-zihm] * [ Ozni - Oz'ni - Numbers 26:16 (h244) - OZ-ni] *. Sometimes the placement of a sound makes it difficult for a reader to say the sound. Marian Kunze. But with our free audio Bible word pronunciation tool, you can breeze through those difficult Bible names and words like a pro! This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. AboutPressCopyrightContact. VAHV, VAWV (listen)] * [ whelp - ("cub" in NW) - Nahum 2:11 AS, Da, KJ, Yg (h1482) - HWELP, WELP] * [ whore] * [ (harlot, evil woman, prostitute in some Bibles) - ("harlot" in NW) - Deuteronomy 23:18 KJ (h2181); Revelation 17:1 KJ, Yg (g4204) - HOHR, HAWR, HUR, often HOOR] * [ whoremonger - ("fornicator" in NW) - Ephesians 5:5 KJ (g4205) - HOHR-muhng'guhr, HAWR-, HUR-, -mahng'-, -mong'-, often HOOR-] * [ wilily] * [ (slyly, with deceit, with subtilty in some Bibles) - ("with shrewdness" in NW) - Joshua 9:4 AS, KJ (h6195) - WI -luh-lee] * [ womb - womb - Genesis 30:22 (h7358) - WOOM [silent "b"]] * [ worldly - worldly - Titus 2:12 (g2886) - WUHR(-uh)LD-lee, also WUHRL-lee] * [ wot {verb "know"} - ("know"; "make known" in NW) - Acts 7:40 KJ (g1492); Philippians 1:22 KJ (g1107) - WAHT] * [ wrestling - wrestling - Ephesians 6:12 (g3823) - RES-ling, not RAS-(uh-)ling] * [ writhe] * [ (paineth, shakes, shaketh, shaking, tremble in some Bibles) - writhe - Psalm 29:8 (h2342) - RI TH] * [ wroth - - Genesis 4:5 KJ (h2734); Psalm 78:59 KJ (h5674); Jeremiah 37:15 KJ (h7107); Revelation 12:17 KJ (g3710) - RAWTH, ROTH, esp. Joppa is located at the only natural harbor on the Mediterranean between Ptolemais and Egypt and was, for centuries, Jerusalem's main seaport. Joppa is a village in Massac County, Illinois, with a population of 313. making it louder and longer Strong's Greek: 4336. (proseuchomai) -- to pray Bible > Strong's > Greek > 4336 eBibles Free Downloads 4336. proseuchomai Strong's Concordance proseuchomai: to pray Original Word: Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: proseuchomai Phonetic Spelling: (pros-yoo'-khom-ahee) Definition: to pray NW (g1484); - GOI-im] * [ greaves] * [ (plates, shin armor, shin guards in some Bibles) - greaves - 1 Samuel 17:6 (h4697) - GREEVZ] * [ Grecian - Grecian - Mark 7:26 (g1674) - GREE-shuhn] * [ grgal*; gregale*] * [ (aka Euroclydon) - - it "Euroaquilo" - gray-GAHL; gray-GAH-lay] * [ Gregorian* - - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - grih-GAWR-ee-uhn, -GOHR-] * [ grievous - grievous - Hebrews 12:11 (g3077) - GREE-vuhs, not GREE-vee-(y)uhs] * [ griffin or griffon - ("osprey" in NW) - "griffon" at Leviticus 11:13 DRB (h6538) - GRIF-ihn or GRIF-uhn] * [ guile] * [ (deceit, deceitful [things], craft, false, falsehood, lies, subtilty in some Bibles) - ("craftiness" in Exodus 21:14 NW; "deception" in Psalm 34:13 NW; "deceit" in John 1:47 NW) - Exodus 21:14 KJ (h6195); Psalm 34:13 KJ (h4820); John 1:47 KJ (g1388) - GI (uh)L] *. for "Suph" (h5489) - yahm SOOF] * [ yarmulke* - - sh 231 - YAH(R)-muh(l)-kuh (listen)] * [ Yom Kippur* - - sh 230 - yawm, yom('), yohm, KIP-uhr, Seph. Jonah is portrayed as a recalcitrant prophet who flees from God's summons to . One of the simple discoveries in the research is the importance of a believer investing time in the Bible. 19:46; A.V., "Japho"), on a sandy promontory between Caesarea and Gaza, and at a distance of 30 miles north-west from Jerusalem. We dont say get off, we say ge toff. AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_2921", {soundFile: "", titles: "How to Pronounce THE_TITLE", autostart: "no", loop: "no", animation: "yes", remaining: "yes", noinfo: "no", initialvolume: "70", buffer: "5", encode: "no", checkpolicy: "no", rtl: "no", width: "100%", transparentpagebg: "no", bg: "E5E5E5", leftbg: "CCCCCC", lefticon: "333333", voltrack: "F2F2F2", volslider: "666666", rightbg: "B4B4B4", rightbghover: "999999", righticon: "333333", righticonhover: "FFFFFF", loader: "009900", track: "FFFFFF", tracker: "DDDDDD", border: "CCCCCC", skip: "666666", text: "333333"}); Beauty, a town in the portion of Dan (Josh. If youre a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! ftlObj = ml("divStayTopLeft"); Tabitha (TV series) - Tabitha is an American fantasy sitcom and a spin-off of Bewitched that aired on ABC from September 10, 1977 to January 14, 1978. Some segmentals are very difficult for Bible readers from certain language backgrounds to say, especially if the sound does not exist in their language. Joppa, a city of Palestine on the Mediterranean, lying on the border of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim. In 2020 at that place were 159 baby girls named Tabitha. pronounce joppa in the bible - Tabitha in the Bible - Biblical Archaeology Society What Does Caesarea Mean? Bible Definition and References If youre a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. This video shows you How to Pronounce Joppa (BIBLE), pronunciation guide.\rHear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced:\u0026list=PLd_ydU7Boqa1IhLuVFnM8ymVSuL8J0zr2\r\rJoin this channel to support and get access to perks: \r\rListen how to say this word/name correctly with Julien (English vocabulary videos), \"how do you pronounce\" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials.\r\rLearn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! { You decide which sounds to work on first when working on how to say things. In Joppa, Jonah boarded a ship to Tarshish, but the Lord had other plans for him and eventually got him to Nineveh where he belonged. Tabitha / Dorcas: Faithful Disciple of Jesus | Acts 9:36-42 | Women of codices) - - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. It was built by Herod the Great (B.C. che'sedh - Micah 6:8 ftn. But good Bible pronunciation skill is also important in how to say things, for the following reasons: Click to see A J Baltes Pronouncing by MEMORY "Start to Finish" all 20,000 words of Saint John's Gospel!

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how to pronounce joppa in the bible