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1. I am thankful to God for Elishas Prayer Academy; I have learned to truly stop and trust God to fight my battles. The one lady was besotted with her but was then influenced by another lady negatively. I am joining the prayer Academy ASAP, Elizabeth Reply:April 9th, 2014 at 10:41 am, Glory to God! Yes,God is still in the bussiness of answering our prayers.I am very much available Every satanic aggression against my life in the dream, be scattered by fire in the name of Jesus. especially at the Gate of Midnight. those on this site will never be disappointed in Jesus name. 4. (LogOut/ Every spirit, power or personality assigned to defile me in the dream, I bury you today in the mighty name of Jesus. 3. Even though you cannot do Esther Fast, you can still pray. I am currently on PA Alot has happened in my life and i found myself dream having sex with unknown and people i know at times since i started on the Esther fast. Passion Prayer of Jesus the Christ By Elisha Goodman THe Werstern Union and bank cards do not work in my country. She confessed to me that her husbands family is so much into witchcraft that she was doubtful that he can give his life to Christ. I can testify to the glory of God that all have become history. My family is surprised and I keep sharing the prayer points to send with them. - Paid version, dream code, 40 Dreams Report from Elisha: How and when can I shear some issues with you? I have been praying for a baby in my family and we have been to see the doctors with my husband so they can help us. I believe in the ministry of intercession and thank God I found where to learn how to take my possession and also reach out to others. to get jobs got jobs and one who had a good job got an even better one, praise be to God! I thank God for his mercy on you man of God, for using you through this ministry. job competitors in the Name of Jesus. P.S. Amen. Because He is risen, I arise out of darkness into light in the name of Jesus I have talked with him this evening (Wednesday) and they are still together and very happy. job fall upon me in Jesus mighty name I expect more and more breakthroughs. what is the job in website. 8. In March I marched over all barriers and this month of April I am available to TAKE BACK ALL that the enemy stole.I am AVAILABLE and i will give testimonies that shock my enemies and surprise my friends in Jesus name. I have learnt alot from you it came from consistent prayers at midnight and firing scriptures at anytime it comes. Tht same wk I had been fasting and doing 40 prayers for my son to get through with his visa to join the UWE Bristol where he was admitted for Environmental Engineering and got a partial scholarship of 2000 I told God I dont have the millions in my accounts but I prayed my heart out weeks and months. Hi Elisha, Up till now my life is at peace, full of abundance and this has taken my level of praying a notch higher. Daily thanksgiving prayer that works: 2 weeks later I was called to take my offer letter, which was very attractive. We have been awarded a 10% salary increase. Prayer Dna Secrets By Elisha Goodman Mybooklibrary Pdf Download I want to encourage PA graduates to pray with persistence because God never fails. I would like to have a family of my own and have been praying for it all these years. If it is possible and if you receive this letter please respong urgetnly! 3. You can use some of the prayer bullets inside 40 Prayers to Attract A Car (or Anything Else) prayer set and pray for your son. I recently joined the Prayer academy and i did it through TT with my bank Barclay. 9. the emails and prayer bullets. 4. and always. Thank you man of God for teaching us to pray. She wrote me this message They have closed the office and they have said I go away for a week while they think what to do with me: So now I have one whole week before I start my new job!) HI again! I prayed for a week and that same week I was supposed to go with my husband to another specialist. Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus. All honor glory due Hi matchless Name King of Kings Lord of Lord Amen. the result of what we like to call collision prayers.. I am learning new things about prayer and I thank God. My fianc in the dream was a tall dark looking male that I do not know. At work, the board of directors had recommended that this year there will be no increment for the middle and senior staff. Premium 10 piece kit USD147 = 1542 Namibian dollar. To God be the Grory for ever for He is good and His mercy endures forever and ever. She was in a job that was paying her peanuts even if she is a university graduate, the boss though born again was horrible to her, she had no off days to do her things over the week, her debts were piling: and it was pathetic. For this is a case of Matt:11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 2. im separated and the father is using the baby to get at me apart from not supporting her financially. May you be led by the Holy Spirit, not by your feelings. 6. 14 Prayer Points against Terrorism are really working wonders against evil forces which were frustrating my life. The suspension your boyfriend got came as a result of that fornication sin. peace Reply:November 5th, 2014 at 9:27 pm. Surely you have many souls and my spiritual life has grown. Taken from Passion Prayer of Jesus The Christ HERE, page 157 158. I have received the in boxes faithfully and personally done Esther fasts through the guidance of a friend and if I was to share the miracles that have happened they wouldnt fit in a book! I thank God since I met you I have the joy of the Lord even at work they treating me bad but I am confident that they will see my God, they do not want to give me work that will advance me and they keep telling me that I must retire I them them in our country official retirement is 65 and if only God want me to go I will go but they must first see that God is in the throne after they have given promotion. Keep on the firing line. You can pray using free prayer bullets for financial issue. Jehovah has done this and will continue to do even more for me. Trust me this is the most powerful prayer ever!! one after anotherMan of God as. the is the doing of the Lord, I thank God for her life. i have been crying to God to change the situation. I break the curse of scarcity over my life; I command the floodgates of abundance to open over my life in Jesus mighty name. Let my divine helpers appear in the name of Jesus. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name of HOW MY GOD ANSWER PRAYERS!!" I was given medication to help me but nothing changed. Thank God for connections to Firesprings ministry WOW. I explained exactly where that prayer came from Click Here to See It. MKwataine Reply:May 18th, 2015 at 4:30 pm. in a span of less than 30min my brother informed me that my uncle was safely abandoned at a certain point in Embu and the police are tracking the vehicle heading towards Meru., Thank you Man of God for teaching me how to pray and esther fasting. My son healed after being hospitalized. Ya Tuhan, urapi mata saya untuk melihat peluang ilahi dalam nama Yesus. Thank you so much for the daily prayer points. Purge yourself with the blood of Jesus. My friend has been estranged from her parents for (27yrs); she came back into their presence again to be remove once more because of our friendship now 15yrs has passed since having come into PA 2yrs ago Im sold out by it, I asked her if she would like to join she said thats not for her I said fine but I believe in it and I will pray for your family restoration release from the grips of dark powers. As David pursued his enemies and recovered all, O Lord, empower me to pursue, overtake and recover all that the enemy has stolen from me in Jesus name. He sounds like he memorized MFM prayer pints and then customized them. But my God always promised me that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Elisha Goodman The Prayer Of Caleb - Bookmark File PDF Elisha Goodman The Prayer Of Caleb(Actually, This Is The "civilian" Version A Tiny Snapshot Of The Blood Warfare Prayer Riot Going On In The Platinum Forum Right Now). Is there any big miracle than enrolling in the pray academy? 5. It is very difficult for a human being to forgive, unless there is Gods intervention and power. (LogOut/ O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to my ??? Golden Journey Level 3: Ready, Set, Go! - elisha goodman After a month while randomly searching tthe tv to watch something, only to find CNN reporting how a hungry huge setpentine struck and killed a crodile and ate it. I am always encouraged on daily basis when i get the praying materials and this has made my prayer life better and better day by day. my latest boyfriend broke up with me last week after a little fight. Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus. Praise God! Blessings. 1. My life has not been the same since Dec 25th 2012. This site offer 21 days free training for only $1.More details: Trial 1$ learn guitar online in 21 daysPeter Ho April 3, 2018 at 14:36 PM 12 SECRETS TO BECOME FAMOUS MAGICIAN?This is best course online about how to become a magician!This training course offer free trial and 60 days money back guaranteeLink: Trial to Learn Mentalism Effects and Magic TricksJennifer Tran April 3, 2018 at 19:36 PM HOW TO LOSE 1 POUND OF BELLY FAT EVERY 72 HOURS?yes it can. Pickup prayer bullets for excellence: PDF Elisha Goodman Prayer Bullets - God bless Elisha and his ministeries. Prayer bullet #10: Check Elishas Youtube channel. A friend introduced me to the website and I went running beginning of the year with the prayers and joining with the fast. last Sunday the other aunt came and said she had paid for a tombstone for our sone and she wanted to unveil in May but the other aunt says it must be done in September, I told her I am not ready for unveiling and my husband said is because I never go to the grave yard that is why i am saying that the grave is caving in i said I dont want any celebration and she said is fine they will celebrate for their father as they are also doing it I know they will make an issue for me but if it was befoe I would let them control me and if they come to say celebration I will stop them or I wont be part of it. I know that, God has already provide for me,since the day i have decided to join the prayer academythrough what should i be able to pay from Windhoek Namibia , for i know that my God will indeed provide. Dear Elisha, I feel delighted by the battle I see in my dreams, army men tearing my enemies. I will sin no more. hi Elisha i thank God for the prayer points that you send they encourage me more though i have never joined the PA i pray that God will open a way for me. I wonder how I ended up in that trap. God bless you. praise be to the living God. I dont know what to do, I real need this marriage to work and yes I confessed I sinned against God and him, I repented and I meant it , has never happened in my life. In the house, workplace, or perhaps in your method can be all best place within net connections. My spirit was down and I told God that if he heals me I will praise Him and my family for ever. Ask prayer eagles. Begin with praise and worship for at least 15 minutes. I want to thank God for what He is doing in my life. 9. Also Just the idea of genuine believers coming together in a platform of prayer in the name of the Lord is a blessing to the advancement of the kingdom of God, may each and every one of us keep on seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousnessAlways remember that Jesus Is the best option in life. I want to thank God for Bringing to us Elisha Goodman &the fire springs ministries.since we are in the last days, when a lot of shaking in the world is taking place, people globaly are becoming disillusioned everyday, we saints have every reason to thank God for he has provided an anchor to hold on during trying moments. Barbara Reply:April 10th, 2014 at 6:34 am. and my Ex-Husband Back together After 23 Years of Divorce" I tried to do 27 minutes to midnight, of which I have never been consistent. 6. 2. Please use the chat option and explain to prayer eagles on the issue you face. hence her health had deteriorated. Biarkan pembantu ilahi saya muncul dalam nama Yesus., Easter Dream Marathon 2013: 7. -- John, Dubai, "Just It brought me back on that prayer point that says; Though spirit off favor speak on my behalf in Jesus mighty name. My the good lord bless you. Praise be to God Almighty! The woman is the one who told me about it. 18 Let all spirits of fear, depression, worry and despair release me now in the mighty name of Jesus, 19 Thank you LORD for answering my prayers in Jesus name, Glory to God I thank God for introducing me to your website..I thank you for all the prayer bullets and emails which encourage so many like me..I started my midnight prayers in 2012 and I still continue.. blog24, Lillian Reply:April 16th, 2014 at 3:12 am. Im also excited about a new job I start on 1st May thanks to Esther fast and powerful prayer bullets!! Thanks for sharing and will stand with you in prayer. 3. Get into the habit of fasting regularly. Great testimonies and prayer bullets. I told him about the mix up with the wedding date and not having the wedding planned and no wedding dress, he said my wife can do whatever she wants to do, it does not matter to me. " I reject shame and reproach; O Lord, put on me your garment of distinction in Jesus name. Blog24, I joyfully join u all my brothers n sisters in praising the Lord and thanking bro Elisha for listening to the Lord to teach us how to access our liberty n blessings. In addition i managed to join spousewell programme, for the last 2years i would not because of financial problem. 3., I AM ON 16TH DAY, OF PRE MARATON PRAYER. lift them up, you ancient doors, May God bless this ministry and sustain it to continue to inspire us so as to inspire others. TheLordAlmighty glory be to the lord. The 24 prayer bullets against depression drove away cares and worries of life from me. O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings away from me be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. I am in total agreement that this year is my year of TAKE BACK ( I Sam 30). She told me that things are very bad in that house that she was only looking for an opportunity to vacate the house without the knowledge of the man. 15 You spouse, you will not follow the evil patterns of any parent or ancestors in Jesus name, 16 I bind all activities of spirits from the air, water, land and family idols, and I forbid them from interfering in my relationship from today in Jesus name. Itulah angkatan orang-orang yang menanyakan Dia, yang mencari wajah-Mu, ya Allah Yakub. Sela. I thank God for giving me this website. Please help l am currently on spousewell programme Phase 3. Such is the generation 4. (storm gates) am grateful for the elisha goodman's Thank you for the daily post Elisha ,may God increase you in Jesus name. Confess and renounce all your sins. How do I join the school of prayer? 7. You can chat by clicking on the smiling Janes face at the top right corner of this page. 2. I saw distinguished guests like high level political figures show up for the wedding in limousines. Now im 50yrs..married and childlessI still I am currently in the October prayers from the spousewell category. 5. Two weeks later (last Sunday), I went to visit them in the evening. I am not sure if the lady is using it because she decided not to talk to me. My relationship with my boyfriend then was rocks because of my visa denial. Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen/met This Elisha Goodman Prayer Vendor? My sister got a good job, and I am currently waiting for more of what God can do. Even though I have never been able to join Prayer Academy, I must admit that the weekly prayer bullets from Elisha Goodman has kept my spirit man razor sharp. it is the best thing that has happen to my life. Pray for your husband and ask the Lord to forgive him of his sins as well and open his spiritual eyes of understanding. Angkatlah kepalamu, hai pintu-pintu gerbang, dan terangkatlah kamu, hai pintu-pintu yang berabad-abad, supaya masuk Raja Kemuliaan! 1. Thk you thk you for teaching me how to be a prayer warriorMany financial challenges given..released.. and all swolled to debts Siapakah itu Raja Kemuliaan? TUHAN, jaya dan perkasa, TUHAN, perkasa dalam peperangan!, Siapakah Dia itu Raja Kemuliaan? TUHAN semesta alam, Dialah Raja Kemuliaan! Sela. I have a son of 6 years his dad left me when I was about 5 months pregnant. As from one man of God to another. I claim the power to overcome and to excel among all the ??? theLordmighty in battle. By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in fact want, you can discover them rapidly. God is awesome. Prayer bullet #39: Chat with prayer eagles for assistance. * Masukkan masing-masing sebagai berikut: 3. Then a little white Yorkshire terrier dog came bounding toward me but my sister stopped him and took him away. I can walk again, no more palsy in my legs . Every curse of slow progress and profitless hard work, be broken now in the name of Jesus. I had a dream when I finish the first seven days of the marathon there was beautiful fire burning at my alter and when I was frightening that my house was going to burn the Lord showed me that the fire was at the alter only not burning anything It was fire of God. I reject every evil initiation in the dream in the name of Jesus. 3. job competitors in the Name of Jesus. the name of Jesus. Elisha Goodman Fasting Prayer Points Pdf Thank you very much for reading Elisha Goodman Fasting Prayer Points Pdf. I need help to understand these dreams my couch Elisha. 3. Be Blessed Elisha Goodman. Caroline, I rejoice with your sister and you Indeed, our God, the God of Elisha is awesome! be blessed Fire Springs. However, you do not need to submit the assignment given. My sister has really struggled over the years:I cant even begin to list her misfortunes here. I used to have that problem some years back but my doctor advised me to take lots of water and ensure my stools are not hard. name of Jesus. Choose your language Choisissez votre langue. What gives me joy is that I wake up laughing, seeing that the enemy cannot locate me even when iam near them, iam hidden in Christ. 4. During this period I prayed, Covenant keeping God of Abraham I am not on speaking terms with my brother. I was in the company of two other brothers. I am not sure I can describe the pain I felt after the rejection and yet I was asked to work with the two people who got the jobs. Sharing the word of God has been made easy for me through this ministry. It is my prayer that i will be able to finalize on my programmes all to the honour and the glory of God. My birthday is on the 26th of April and I believe God has amazingly great surprises for me, I have been hitting up the prayers this month! Power and anointing to get the ??? He is my saviour and my all. Has Anyone Ever Seen/met This Elisha Goodman Prayer Vendor - Nairaland I joined the Prayer academy in 2012 but never finished it. 1 Everyday, let the pillar of fire of the Living God go before me and light up my pathways in Jesus' name. I am a prayer warrior thanks to the teachings of Elisha and I want to pray effectively in this situation and thwart the enemys plans. 6. With the result of yet another prayer bullet. When my fianc finally came, a white and black dog (Yorkshire terrier) came toward me a lot more frisky than the earlier dog but my fianc got rid of him before he got near me. I went from doctor to doctor but it was not helping. Today by the grace of God l am better off. 4. I have written to Elisha several emails to you that despite having completed prayer academy and prayed all the prayers and fasting, things became worst than before. Prayer bullet #56: My Testimony Made Headlines.Glory Be To God I told my Lord when I stormed the gates of 2014 that this is my year, I am going to take back everything the devil has stolen from me and my family. I had even requested for intercessory prayers from the prayer eagles but it looked like things were going from bad to worse since we are not even talking to each other now.until I got your email where you were asking us to write down what we wanted God to do for us in the month of March! What should I do, please help. 7 Furious Prayers For December 2019 | Elisha . 2. I praying for a financial breakthrough and I know one day i will be able to join the academy. Sometimes its like I told you my situation and you sent me prayers and it is never so therefore I thank God for your good timing during my lowly time. He said there might be a post to be filled by April., It has bing a longtime forgive me not being reply to your constant encouragement and lam very verygreatful for all your emails thank you very much and all the glory we give onto the master our lord Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith amen GOD bless you so much l love in jesus name elisha, 27 Minutes At The Gates of 2023 | by elisha job situation in Jesus name. What is God telling me? be lifted up, you ancient doors, that is greatful. I prayed the Abraham and Isaac bullet and she was called back. I was touched by your expression and I pray that lord hear our prayers. Many thanks for this prayer program. if the fire is really burning in you to join then just pray to God and give him your last day of joining PA Ultimatum and see what happens. 2. If I need prayers to reveal this demons who are behind this I would be praising and rejoicing and giving God glory.nevertheless I still thank God because its written all in darkness shall be revealed.

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