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'HO#=\\O~O~?>z;A#hJvP o3w~x_vu{o=l} h%#Xz. Step 1- Capture Records functional area records manager (FARM) Who has the authority to appoint record custodians within an office of record? Integrates records management and archival requirements into the design, development, and implementation of electronic information systems. What minimized the Federal paperwork burden on the public, small business, and state and local governments? A process for holding records (suspending their disposition) when events such as litigations occur. who ensures the base records manager role is filled Write the correct form in the space provided. function invocation failed vercel. Must take role based RC training annually The BRM will include any potentially relevant findings from the NOE, local staging, or in long term storage in the An essential records disaster plan ________ ***a. has records that are properly marked, stored, and have valid backups ***b. must be located in the base, agency, or MAJCOM emergency preparedness plan c. is required even if your organization does not maintain essential records. They are also responsible for establishing systems for their management and the maintenance, verification, and evaluation of extant systems. \hline \text { Labour force participation rate } & & \mathbf{6 5 . how to produce an initial file plan Steps 1-3? - Designated POC's record results for their respective office. a. establishing a records management program is optional b. af man 33-363 along with AF RDS! After assuming command, how long does a commander have to publish a records management plan or affirm the existing plan is in use? <> Who serves as the POC for the Records Management program within their unit of functional area? The following statement have the form \rho or qqq. 30 Days ***b. Roles and Responsibilities for Records Management Programs (6) Poorly managed records can result in? %PDF-1.5 (7) Who ensures that the (BRM) role is filled? Calendar year - (dec 31) "includes all recorded information, regardless of form or characteristics, made or received by a Federal agency under Federal law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the United States Government or because of the informational value of data in them and does not include library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes; or duplicate copies of records preserved only for convenience.". for Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORM) and Agency Records Officers. The CRM and ARM Command records manager and A. After assuming command, how long does a commander have to publish a records management plan or affirm the existing plan is in use? SAORMs ensure their records management programs receive adequate resources to complete their mission. Interprets and advises senior agency officials on existing, new, or potential records management statutes, regulations, or other legal requirements impacting the agency. Records management responsibilities remain despite additional duty To help with the identification of a record, so it can be properly classified under the correct table and rule (T&R) and to ensure the record is kept according to its proper and required life cycle and NOT destroyed prior to its allowable destruction timeline. search results will flow from RC to COR to FARM to BRM to CRM to AFRO, "Road map" or "table of contents"for office use, COR signature on cover sheet indicates final approval of office file plan, folders that support the primary reference. Group Commander b. Squadron Commander ****c. Installation Commander d. Command Records Manager, 8. What are the steps to process and produce the File Plan? +Within AFRIMS correctly "identify" the record and to determine the records disposition schedule of that record Title \hline \text { Age distribution } & & \mathbf{1 0 0 . 2. Records Disposition Schedule % AFI 33-364 Records Disposition - Procedures and Responsibilities. Records Searches are not a mandatory requirement. Air Force Records Management Test Answers to consolidate SAORM requirements from previous directives and guidance. before filing a document , ensure all requierwd actions are completed.right hand corner your initials, Assemble documents for filling either alphabetically, numerically or by organization when filing documents, ensure the most current is in the front of the folder. <> Establishes, where appropriate, agency-level records management program offices to ensure adequate management of routine mission support functions. CRM= Command response manager, 5 U.S.C. The base information transfer system (BITS) is the total system that collects, processes, and delivers. Base Commanders / Civilian directors Ensure implementation of AF records management with their organization at base levels! Implements and assesses each program areas record-keeping practices, including but not limited to records maintenance, storage, and disposition practices into agency programs, processes, systems, and procedures. Right side top right = Date created,date modified ,date approved , frozen record, A record that is suspended from its rule of destruction. What are records the office no longer needs or in a retention period after the cutoff date and awaiting final disposition? TotallabourforceAgedistribution1524253435545564EducationalattainmentPrimaryonlyLowerandmiddlesecondaryTertiary(university)LabourforceparticipationrateMaleFemale2000(000s)7042.02014.02204.12436.5387.42380.24042.1619.7%100.028.631.334.65.5100.033.857.48.865.385.644.12010(000s)9572.52498.42977.03608.8488.22604.35624.51343.7% E. Records Liaison Coordinators are responsible for the following: (1) Coordinating requirements and implementation strategies that ensure their respective Science Center, office or program meet USGS, Department of the Interior and NARA requirements; (2) Creating or ensuring the creation of annual Files Maintenance and Disposition Plans and standard files organized by file codes by managers and employees (See SM 432.1, Files Management); (5) Coordinating and cooperating with their Mission Records Liaison Officers and the USGS RMP in the administration and implementation of requirements in the Centers, Offices, and programs regarding records management issues and solutions for their organizations. 1} \\ PDF AF Instruction 32-322 Records Management Program Works with internal stakeholders to identify budgetary, personnel, and system requirements. What is an organized collection of related data, usually arranged into logical records that are stored together and treated as a unit? (4) Where are the (NARA) approved disposition instructions listed, - Table and Rules (T&R) of the AF Records Disposition Schedule (RDS). 5.) Records Management Programs are required to conduct formal evaluations to measure the effectiveness of program practices for compliance with Federal regulations. The records manager is an important position that handles the creation, organization, and disposal of records. *RC then takes all of the identical info and start to create into AFRIMS*, second step : *Identify records * Training new employees. 60 Days c. 6 Months d. 1 year 9. Additional information on records management responsibilities can be found in OPMs Records and Information Management, 0308 Position Classification Flysheet, and OMB Circular No. (REPLACE) Installation Commanders shall work directly with the Base Records Manager to ensure the integrity of their installation's records management program, and shall ensure the . + Has physical and legal custody of records +identify what type of filew locations that are utilized Reviews NARAs annual Records Management Self-Assessment analysis and risk ratings to determine vulnerabilities and identify plans for improvement. Unauthorized destruction, alteration, manipulation, defacement or removal are incidents of destruction, manipulation, removal, or alteration either without an approved disposition authority; when the record has been approved for permanent retention; prior to the end of the approved retention period; or when the record is subject to another requirement (e.g., Freedom of Information Act requests or litigation) to retain the record until request process is completed. What is the official, or file, or coordination copy created by an action office, complete with coordination, enclosures, or related background papers that form a complete file or history of the action? Choose the correctly punctuated item. What is an example of an approved off-site records center? endobj 1 0 obj What is the first file that needs to be apart of the content of the File Plan? The table below is a list of primary SAORM and Agency Records Officer responsibilities. AFQTPXXXXX_222RA, Records Management - User Training. who ensures the base records manager role is filled Title of Document, File Code All members need to identify and protect records. c. Commanders have many options when it comes to assigning records management POCs. As the changes gradually occur with more information to be disseminated in the coming weeks, the records management duty still requires current records custodians to complete final tasks before the . This requires coordination among the subject matter experts, USGS Records Officer and NARA, who provides the legal authority for disposition. The Bulletin provides an in-depth explanation of SAORM responsibilities for ensuring agency compliance with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, and NARA and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policies. Records Management I Hate CBT's Military members b. Thank you! 4.) Using the data in the table, describe the changes that are forecasted to take place in the age distribution of the working population of the country. Normally a (blank) is a request for all active,inactive physical and electronic records, final documental materials ( includes unclassified and classified and drafts, emails) in response to a non-FOIA or FOIA request, The actions taken regarding records no longer needed for current government business including transfer to agency storage facilities or FRC, transfer from one federal agency to another :transfer of permanent records to the national archives, and disposal of temporary records, A document providing mandatory instructions for what to do with records (and non records) no longer needed for current government business, with provision of authority for the final disposition of recurring or nonrecurring records. + serves as the POC and monitors the Records management program, 33-? 4.Comments, Electronic records management business rules, long ass list about Government paperwork elimination Action and Farms/ RC's create an efile box : COR electronically signs the file plan; the *Electronic Records Management Solution Guide version V.4*, E file has to mirror the main file plan AFRIMS, Location, complete the meta data for each record folder, management tool records disposition schedule the program we used it in Mr. Wells class. Monitor's the program This policy must be reviewed biennially, or as needed, in order to maintain current information. Ensure the program and retention schedules meet applicable laws and contractual requirements. 7.) a. Criteria for establishing a file plan is provided in afman! Poorly managed records can result in _____________ ***a. the government being exposed to legal liabilities. Ensure a records management plan is developed and documented which implements the AF Records Management program for their organization within 60 days of taking command. Their focus is primarily operational, ensuring that the agency is in compliance with the foundational requirements for records management. Records management encompasses multiple areas, including but not limited to the following major activities: A. Match the records Type to the Time that you can expect to receive the record once it is requested Useful Records 4-6 months Essential Records 12-72 hours Necessary Records 2-6 weeks, 12. Where are National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved dispositions listed in? <>>> -calendar year ( 31 Dec ) c. Records are frozen until they reach their disposition date, then can be destroyed d. once identified on the litigation worksheet they can return to their normal disposition schedule. \hline \text { Male } & & 85.6 & & 85.4 & & \\ 5. A strategic approach to records management involves: gaining an understanding of the agency's business identifying records management needs and risks assessing the adequacy of the existing records management environment and practices developing a strategic plan to ensure records management objectives and needs are addressed. Lowest level on the hierarchy but by far the most important player. Date of Document Only Unit POCs b. Z8e.z7Vx7s4_a0)bQ79/f\-iM*/N=l2 &DLPw. (1) What is the primary document that governs the Records Management program? Serves as the liaison Records Manager Job Description: Salary, Duties, & More AFI 33-322 is records management program whats the other AFI? SAORMs serve as an executive sponsor with broad responsibility for the agency records management program. (3) Who holds primary responsibility for properly maintaining Air Force records? 2.) What is another name for a Records Search? What reduces costly, ineffective, and redundant information collections and reporting requirements? A system for monitoring and reporting on the handling of records to ensure that employees are filing, accessing, and managing them according to defined policies and processes. How are northern Italy and southern Italy different economically? the BRM or FARM, federal records, personal records, performance records, temporary records, state records, records form other than paper form,Vital record emergency records, Perpetual records, final records , draft records, metadata = data about data allows us to search for documents 1. The Bulletin provides an in-depth explanation of SAORM responsibilities for ensuring agency compliance with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, and NARA and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) policies. . H. Information Technology Support personnel are responsible for the following: (1) Ensuring systems used for creating and storing records are operated, maintained and backed up to provide access to electronic files throughout their entire lifecycle; (2) Coordinating with the USGS Litigation Coordinator in the production of electronically stored information for litigation for center or program staff; and. 552, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A. 60 Days c. 6 Months d. 1 year, 9. Who records responses for record searches in AFRIMS? SAORMs ensure their records management programs receive adequate resources to complete their mission. The goal of the Records Management Program at UCSD is to ensure that administrative records are appropriately managed, preserved, secured, and can be retrieved as needed. ***b. the loss of access to individuals benefits ***c. historical records being lost forever. 11. Encmp 100: Horstmann Chapter 7c (Exceptions), Admin block 3 #1.Office management, #2. 2.) MAJCOM Records Manager Staging Areas for holding or forwarding to the Federal Records Center, NARA (National Archives and Records Administration). stream Implement agency-wide records management internal controls to ensure records, regardless of format or medium, are properly organized, classified or indexed, and made available for use. This is only a fraction of her duties as the base's records manager. What are the 3 duties of the Base Records Manager (BRM)? A Command Records Managers (CRM) and Agency Records Managers (ARM) 18 Q Who administers the installation Records Management Program and has approval/disapproval authority for the file plan? 4.) Who administers the installation Records Management Program and has approval/disapproval authority for the file plan? 3. 1.) Routinely creating and receiving files that contain related records for the project, program or activity, and segregating records, nonrecords, and personal papers in any medium. Menu bar, system notices, announcements, your base records managers, tasks, recent activity and resources. a. The installation commander must. PDF By Order of The Commander Air Force Personnel Center Hq Air Force a) All Commanders x b) All Air Force personnel (military, civilian, contractors) c) Base Record Managers Effective Records Management provides preservation of the nation's history and decision making at all levels? !MR wells!! 2 0 obj H. Unauthorized access is prevented through appropriate markings and controls. F. Program and Office Managers are responsible for ensuring that their office and program records regardless of format are included in the appropriate record schedules and are managed according to relevant NARA regulations and USGS disposition schedules and policies. Agency Records Officers work closely with NARA and serve as records management advisors to SAORMs. Commanders have one year to develop/document their records management program. Department of defense contractors c. Department of the Air Force civilians ****d. All of the Above. Installation Commanders and Air Force Joint Base Wing Commanders shall ensure that the role of BRM is filled. (9) Who records the responses for record searches in AFRIMS? Why do consumers benefit from free trade and the resulting competition between businesses? (BRM): Administers the Records Management (RM) installation program: providing assistance, managing staging area, and offering training. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. /S/ Katherine M. McCulloch 06/28/19, ________________________________________________ _____________, Katherine M. McCulloch Date, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource Management of Federal Information Resources, 32 CFR 2002, Controlled Unclassified Information, Federal Continuity Directive 1, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, SM 431.3, Records Management Requirements and Electronic Mail and Instant Messages, SM 431.10, Information Collection Requirements, 5 U.S.C. These files should be created in accordance FIPS Publications 199, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and other Federal requirements that are not personal systems, personal email, or personal files. Records management is the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities involved in records creation, maintenance and use, and disposition to achieve adequate and proper documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government and effective and economical management of agency restrooms, HVAC, parking lot, lighting). formId: "777dd2ee-7747-4a1b-aa82-308625041f4b", + one individual authorized per flight or individual office level ****d. The secretary of the Air Force can override the Federal mandate on the need for having a records management program. 5.) Who provides oversight of subordinate BRMs and/or FARMs as applicable to ensure searches are completed and reported in AFRIMS IAW the assigned suspense? 1. records manger's administrative approval (using AFIRMS) is stated on the file plan. Appoint the BRM to manage at least a GS9 or E-7 (MSgt) Base records manager Administer the installation records management program All AF data calls/records searches as applicable active files, cutoff, data call, disposition, records disposition instructions, File, Inactive files, Office of records, A plan designating the physical locations where the agencys files will be maintained, the specific types of files and the orginazational elements having custodial responsibility, active files are the records an office uses frequently in current business or until a cutoff period is met, A term used for separating active records and inactive records Instruction: This replaces Survey Manual (SM) Chapter 431.1 Records Management Program, dated November 5, 2005. What is a description of records that are vital to continue operations or for the protection of legal and financial rights? Close out of the Records search contains the following information to be reported in AFRIMS. -fiscal year (30 sep) 1 0 obj Records management responsibilities for creating/receiving, maintaining and using, and implementing disposition and program responsibilities are listed below. 4 0 obj What do the CRM/ARM, BRM, FARM, COR and RC have a responsibility to do in relation to AFRIMS? Training, Assistance and managing staging areas, BRM will train the FARM, COR, and RC, within 3 months (6 for ANG), Assisits the Farm, COR, and RC on any records, *Managing a staging area for temporary storage of records pending destruction or transfer to a federal records center *, *Serves as the POC* This post is intended to clarify their differences. (8) After assuming command, how long does a commander have to publish a records management plan or affirm the existing plan in use? 6. Purpose. This responsibility is delegated to the USGS Records Officer. a. *4.5. Records management (RM), also known as records and information management (RIM), is an organizational function responsible for the creation and maintenance of a system to deal with records throughout a company's lifecycle. Language identifying roles and responsibilities for SAORMs and Agency Records Officers will be considered in future updates to NARA regulations. Where can a list of approved supplies such as labels, file folders, and guide cards can be found? Create your own flash cards! Policy & Records Administration coordinates the campus program and provides advice on these issues. Who is responsible for identifying and protecting records? Depending on the nature of the incident, NARA may refer it to the Inspector General for further review. Nonrecords include extra copies of documents kept only for convenience or reference, stocks of publications and of processed documents, and library or museum materials intended solely for reference or exhibition. Who is designated as head of an office where records are created, received or maintained and will complete initial role-based training upon assignment to the office? 5} & & \mathbf{6 8 . 3. COR=Chief of an office of record, record searches or data calls as you will also hear them they normally flow dept of justice, dept of defense or other court ordered department/ then to the CRM then to the BRM xtra crm = and brm =, There are four types of AF record searches, 1.) distal extension of dental lamina; did pyure change their formula; false confidence chords; diy airline control valve Coordinates with IT to ensure systems adhere to records management retention and disposition policies. 4.) 4 0 obj Must take role based FARM training annually, Highest ranking person in the office Charlie and Tom's bikes were stolen from their garages last night. 4. a. The Blog of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government. They are derived from existing regulations, policies, and current practices, including 44 U.S.C. +Maintains office file plan and accountabilliy for an active and inactive records ensures eligibable records are promptly prepared. Agency records manager they report to the AFRO. \hline 15-24 & 2014.0 & 28.6 & 2498.4 & 26.1 & 3118.4 & 24.1 \\ The COR signature appears on the file plan cover sheet 2. TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) -- Air Force senior leaders recently announced a new initiative to reduce the number of additional duties plaguing Airmen that consume large amounts of manpower. The USGS maintains an active records management program (RMP) established for the economical and effective creation, maintenance, use, preservation, and disposition of USGS records and nonrecords, on all media, in compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. See, Issues agency directives, policies, and initiatives supporting. These may include personal files stored for convenience, documents pertaining to membership in professional societies where the individual was not representing the USGS or the Department of the Interior, or work created while not employed with the USGS. 3. Who holds primary responsibility for properly maintaining Air Force records? These records must be preserved by implementing effective life-cycle management procedures and must be managed systematically to ensure they are complete, accurate, trustworthy, and easily accessible. Which AFI governs Emergency Operations Records? Federal Records Act, E-Government Act including privacy aspects, the Paperwork Reduction Act, and the Federal Information Quality Act, Annual OSD Records and Information Management, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Smith, Michael Abbott. The Education Department Committee of ARMA International (formerly the Association of Records Managers and Administrators) is the organization that created a framework for competency. SR-A (lvl 5) or GS-05 They are derived from existing regulations, policies, and current practices, including. BRMs= Base Records Manager 40 50 90 triangle calculator . PDF Washington, Dc your role in AFFRIMS !

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who ensures the base records manager role is filled